Monday, 30 March 2009
Customs, Easter and rabbits....
Czech Republic:
Our neighbours from behind the balk have unusual customs. One of them is for example pomlazka, a symbolic act of beating women with willow twines which should give them energy and beauty.
The Italians spend Easter with swing - meetings in a large group of family and friends, stacked tables and an unusual decoration with baking in the shape of a pigeon which is a symbol of good news.
A characteristic thing for Easter in Germany is when children are looking for the Easter bunny, which means hidden sweets in the garden. An unknown tradition there for example is our version of the "wet Monday". They really have something to regret.
A custom cultivated for centuries in Sweden for Easter are visits from little witches called Paskkaerringar. They knock on doors, and when they say: "Glad Pask" (Happy Easter) then it's time to throw them some sweets into their basket.
U.S.A. :
On Easter Sunday they organize parades in many cities. The most famous of them is Easter Parade in New York. On that day You can see American woman dressed in old national costumes and the hat is the most important part of the outfit.
Monday's the day on which a traditional Easter party takes place. Children go to the White Barrack (White House) for the Easter Egg Roll -> to roll eggs on the lawn.
What about our customs, which ones do You like best?
Which ones out of those presented should be in our tradition?
1. "Gazeta w Rzeszowie" z 12 kwietnia 2001.
2. "Swieta Wielkanocy w USA" artykul Tomasza Zalewskiego,
3. Youtube
Hi! :-)
This week's mine and it's going to look like this:
31.03 Easter and Customs
02.04 Reality show nonsense
04.04 CB radio
I encourage You to participate in the topics, thus I realize not all may be interesting.
Regards, read from You soon :-)
Friday, 27 March 2009
My collection.
Hi, today is my last day (3rd) of presentation.
- 2004 reward of Meeple's Choice
- 2004 silver award of TricTrac magazine
- 2007 Game of The year in Poland
But't the best game for beginning is very interesting game: Settlers of Cattan. It was my first game in my geek life:D There is English review below:
This game is very dice demanded, but it is still very "miodziaśna", ekhm I mean interesting. The best in it is that you could play with everyone, because it's very simple and easy to learn. This game is one of most popular modern board games at the world..
Another easy to play and learn board games are adventure games and I have recently bought one, called Talisman. (Talisman: Magia i Miecz) it's famous adventure game where players are some heroes who are looking for the Crown of Power. This game has many similiarities to RPG (Role play game), like characteristics of your heroes, items you could collect during your adventures on the board etc. Talisman is my most butiful game... it's very colorful and with really nice figures of heroes.. It's also good for the beginning, my girlfriend loved this game:)
Have an look for review and a trailer:
Most hardcore game in my collection is Caylus, german style game, with many routs to win. After reading articles about this game, and reading instruction I now jast that it's very complicated game.. (but it's still easy to learn, it's characteristic for german style games) I have never played this game, but there will be inauguration this week, it's my newest game:)
Review is here! Game looks like this:
Game is said to be more complicated and more brain eating then Power Grid.. I hope that...
What will be next? I think that my next game will be Dominion. It's not board game, but it is a card game, strategy card game... Maybe you have hared about Magic The Gathering, most famous collectible card game here you could see funny commercial of it:
But getting back to Dominion, as I mentioned it's strategy card game, in witch, because its not an treading card game (like MtG) , you have to build your deck during play time. Your decisions decides about strength of your deck and finnaly winning, Oh, you have to look on this:
Dominion from Planszolandia on Vimeo.
In my opinion board games are mutch more interesting then new PC games:] and a way more interesting then TV:D Moreover, it's great exercise for your bored brains and your memory. :)
As you can see it's not entertainment only for childerns, but for people in any age. If you will browse youtube for more videos about board games , you could find that most of this movies is made by adult people not childrens...
Even my mom, older women, was encouraged by Settlers of Catan:)
What else I can tell you about board games? Pease, ask question in your comments:)
hmm.. maybe you want to try some game?
We could meet to play on PJIIT, wat do you think about it?
Hi there !
My last topic in season called “healthy living” is about stress. I would like to emphasize how stress is really danger for us. I guess that stress is not strange for you and less or more you handle with it.
Stress is the body's reaction to the exaggerated requirements (both physical and mental), for example, during hot weather, frost, or physical and mental burden. The organism reacts to stress in different ways:
· Stress hormones are released, such as adrenaline and cortisone;
· Increases the number of heart beats and raises blood pressure;
· In the blood is circulating more stimulant substances such as glucose and fats;
· Excreted large quantities of sweat.
Stress does not have to be a negative. Voltage before the new task, the joy of holidays because of the jitters before the journey can be stressful, but they are not felt as harsh. Stress becomes dangerous when the last long, but there is no time to relax and rest. In this case, after a period of time may be an unpleasant symptoms.
· Please ensure you enough time to rest, for family and friends for their favorite activities.
· Try not to be silent in the event of conflict, but to speak their mind.
· Even with a heavy load, do a break, at least half-hourly gate.
· Consider how far in front of you hiding deep problems (marital problems, loneliness, lack of recognition).
· Keep a healthy diet, regular movement and in sufficient quantity of sleep.
· Avoid drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and drinking excessive amounts of coffee.
Now for practice let’s see some stressful situations and think how to avoid stress in such situations or why such situation happens ?:
Some office examples:
There is a lot of examples more or less funny from road when drivers under stress makes many stupid things.
Maybe you tell us how do you deal with stress ? Do you know any examples of situation on road or in your office ? Please share us with it. Or maybe you saw any movies on youtube connected with this topic, you want to share ?
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Board games closer.
What is board game every one know, but probably not everyone know that that not all games are simple and easy, there are games without dice... :) There are even games without board:)
More about common components you could read here.
There is many categories of games:
- Abstract logical/strategy games (Chess,Checkers, Go)
- Eurogames (German style games), like The settlers of Catan, Power Grid
- Race games (Backgammon)
- Roll-and-move games (Monopoly, Life, Talisman known in Poland as "Magia i Miecz")
- Wargames (Risk, Memoir'44, Tide of Iron)
- Word games (Scrabble)
But this categories are not only one way to discribe games, there is also clasyfication similar to this in video games. (Strategy, Economic, Takctic etc.)
What is magic in board games? In my opinion this is nice intellectual effort with friends, you could make some special atmosphere to play some particular game.. some horrors for example could be played in half dark rooms in light of candles.. :) Have I mentioned friends? :) It's really good time, a way better then playing video games or watching tv. It's enough funny to make break during programming or work. For example 30 minutes of Bluff (Liar's dice)
Most games could be played during 2h, but some could be played for 8 - 10 hours! My favourites are these witch duration are about 2-3hours, but maybe I would be able to play Civization , my dream game(picture on the right).
The best team for playing consist of 3-4 people and for such amount of players most of the games are designed, but anyway there is a lot of games for one or more then 4 players, everybody could find something suitable.
I mostly play with my girlfriend (1vs1) and it still generates a lot of fun:)
However, there is some games like The Settlers From Catan which is designed for 3 or 4 players, but this was our first game and we wants to play instantly, without searching someone more, few minutes with google and catching! I found custom rules for 2 ppl.! Try to do this with World of Warcraft:D
But there is some dark sides of board games, they're quite expensive, mostly price are starting from 90 pln and ends on 250 pln. But the most common price is 129 pln. Of course it's nearly imposible to pirate such game:) But there is some way to do that, not recommended for games wihitch you could still buy, but there is some situation when you can't(games are able to be out of print like books:( ). I had such situation with my Bluff, my girlfriend wants this game very mutch and only way I found was Photoshop and TADA! (picture on the right)
I have to buy 31 dice's and some optional cups for players, game is ready. 30 minuts of fun, cost 30pln :)
If you want start playing board games, try some games before with some already geeked friend or even in board games shop. More info about where to buy or play here.
For those ppl. who are interested there is some guys home site about games with a lot of video podcast and games demos(here).
On this the most famus board games portal ever, you culd find top list of best games, it could be helpfull during choosing your first and other games, but you have to remeamber that 1st place on thist list is not equal to your staisfaction. At every forum you could find big topics about choosing your first game, as I mentioned above, my first game was The Settlers Of Cottan and I think that it was good choice. By first game i have on mind games other then games bought before I become geek:) But about my collection I would like to talk in the next post.
For the dessert I will disclose my favorite game:)
bon appétit!
Wysokie Napięcie from Planszolandia on Vimeo.
Boardgames history
According to wikipedia Senet may be the oldest board game in the world. It's dated to 3500 BC, after this game was another ancient game named Mehen (3000 BC), both origin in Ancient Egypt.
Something about 2337–2258 BC according to legends and wikipedia:D in China Chinese emperor Yao designed a game for his son, called GO, probably most of you have heard this name before...
However, you are probably wonder what about famous Chess, sit and grab something strongly, Chess has been invented at 6th century in India and was known as "caturanga". Origins of the modern version of Chess is dated in the 18th century.
I will not wriate about game play of this games, because if you are interested, you could read about it on wiki. Pictures above are copied from
Afther this realy short history I would like to underline that it's not a complete history:) Just most obvious and important dates in connection to board games topic:)
Anyway, who cares with history:D:)
In next post I would like to tell you something about modern games etc.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Hello !
Last topic I wrote about basics of health living. Today I would like to write about practice - Sport. When it comes to me I don’t have enough time to play so many sports so generally my sport activity is jogging and swimming. But also I would like to mention about other ways which keep our health better.
There is many bicycle enthusiasts in the world and inside student culture. Why ? Because it is cheap way of transport from point A to destination B. Besides cycling you also keep your health in better condition. This type of effort is associated with a lower energy expenditure than joging. However, training bike, because of lower intensity have the potential extension of the time effort, so that the total caloric cost of working muscle can be high.
This is an excellent form of exercise suitable for people with overweight. During the cycling body weight rests on seat, which can significantly ease bone - articulate system. Acceleration or deceleration of the driving or operating shifts gives the possibility of obtaining an adequate pulse and match it to the body's current capacity.
Particularly useful may be a popular mountain bikes, which make it possible to move almost all conditions. Dla osób z nadwagą szczególnie polecane są trasy po płaskim terenie , bowiem jazda po gęstych pagórkach powoduje zbyt duże wahania pulsu , przez co wysiłek traci swój aerobowy charakter i przyspiesza zmęczenie . For those who are overweight are particularly recommended route after a flat terrain, the dense hills driving causing too large fluctuations in heartbeat.
So generally speaking cycling is cool, what is you opinion about this kind of sport ?
Squash is a racquet sport game played by two players (or four players for doubles) in a four-walled court with a small, hollow rubber ball. Squash is characterized as a "high-impact" exercise that can place strain on the joints, notably the knees[citation needed]. Squash is recognized by the IOC and remains in contention for incorporation in a future Olympic program.
The game was formerly called squash racquets, a reference to the "squashable" soft ball used in the game (compared with the harder ball used in its parent game Racquets (or rackets, see below)).
Do you practice this kind of sport ? Have you ever play it ? What is your opinion about it ?
What about swimming ? Here in Warsaw we have a lot of swimming pools but the problem is that not always we have time to visit this place … L This is one of the healthiest form of move. Swimming is considered to be the safest and most comprehensive sports. This activity improves general health, fitness and beneficial influence on the proportions of our bodies. It is recommended for all, both for the physically active people, and for those who are just starting to train.
Among the techniques we can distinguish pools:
· Crawl on the back - easy to learn, because in this position, you can breathe, as on land. This technique is characterized by naprzemiennym movement of arms and legs. Item should be the most streamline. Body in position on your back, shoulders are slightly higher than the hips.
· Crawl on their chests - one of the fastest swimming techniques. The face should be in water, using the inspiration, you turn your head slightly. Arrangement of the body - the breasts and the movement of the limbs is alternating.
· Butterfly style- Very impressive technology, however, considered to be the most difficult to master. This requires a large physical fitness and skills. Position the body - the breasts, the movement of the leg movements dolphin points, while the upper limbs are moved simultaneously over the water.
· Classic style - Slowest technique, but also the most imitated by us. Position the body - the chest, upper limbs are working well, the lower limbs as well.
If you want to know more visit website:
What is your opinion about swimming ? Is it better than cycling, or squash ? Or maybe you are afraid of water ? Do you have any water stories like rescuing someone life or maybe somebody saved you ?
Please share your opinion about Sport – practical way of healthy living. Maybe you play interesting sport and would like to share with it to us ?
Monday, 23 March 2009
Welcome message!
I fall in love with this games:)
Every thing begins few weeks ago, during meeting with my board game geek friend... I will talk about it later during this week.
I am going to show you, why I thing it's not only child's play and why boardgames are fantastic way to spent free time. I would tell you how to begin playing and witch games are best for beginners.
Obviously, I will present my beginners collection...
I hope you will enjoy this topic and maybe some of you will try this entertainment.
Maybe some of you, are boardgames geeks? What is your favourite board game (without doubts, you have played some games in your childehood)?
At the end of this short introduction I will warn you about the consequences:
- You could be to seriuos:
- Or spent too much money:
Healthy eating
Nowadays we are so busy that we forget about basics - health. In next three days I'll divide my articles in tree parts:
- Healthy eating
- Sport
- Stress
Today I'll start about Health eating and mention about some basics.
If we want that our diet was healthy and provide us the necessary ingredients, we need to ensure that the daily menu were the products of the five food groups. Fortunately about a healthy diet has become very common. Healthy eating is one of the new trends, which can be seen on the market.
It is primarily cereal products, rice, potatoes. They provide a lot of energy, and the resulting fiber gives a feeling of satiety and speeds up metabolism. The body receives a proper portion of carbohydrates, if we may eat during the day a total of 5-6 slices of dark bread, 5 medium potatoes and 3 tablespoons of flour, groats and pasta.
Vegetables and fruit
The organism derives from them a portion of its required vitamins, minerals, fiber and other substances that are essential for health. They should eat about 500 g per day. It should be severe in the middle. In determining the menu, please note that the healthiest are celery, carrots, spinach, tomatoes and cucumbers. Fruits should be eaten but instead of sweets.
Dairy Products
Provide valuable protein and calcium needed for bones. Regulate the processes of protein metabolism and many body functions, ensuring the proper functioning of the state and our body. First of all this group includes milk, yoghurt, cheese and kefir.
Supplied in the diet are usually of animal or vegetable origin .It is indispensable for organism functionality. Fat in the body is responsible for regulating body temperature, as an insulating layer. However, eaten in excess leads to obesity. It is therefore sufficient for the organism to 30 - 40 g per day. Fats are present in: lard, olive oil, oils and margarine. The least healthy are lard and butter. Should therefore be replaced by vegetable fats, rich in vitamins.
Meat, fish, eggs
Provide large quantities of fully animal protein, vitamins of group B. Just so, when each of these products we may eat once a day.
During the day do you care about variety form of consuming products ? Do you care about what do you eat ? What about breakfast , does it always present in your daily routine ? Share your opinion about eating during the day.
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Never ending story...
There are many tv shows like “Prison Break” where there was just one season planned but when it suddenly became a great money maker someone decided to go on and now we have 4th,5th or even 11th season.
There are many similar tv shows where first season or two are great and next few are just… let’s just say they aren’t as good as first two.
I have nothing against that “24” would have for example 20 seasons :) but that is just because it is my favourite show. On the other hand I wouldn’t like it to have many seasons with boring plot just because everything was already used and there are no more ideas…
There are also tv shows like “The Bold and the Beautiful”… as far as I know this show is aired since 23rd march 1987.. on Monday it will be 22 years.
So what are your opinions? Would you like to have just one season but every minute of every episode would be fantastic or maybe you would rather have few more seasons with a bit more stretched plot… or maybe you like shows like “The Bold and the Beautiful” mentioned above where plot is a never ending story?
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Jokes and stereotypes in TV shows
We all watch some kind of TV shows or we used to watch some of them. Many of them are filled with jokes or stereotypes.
Fast example with reference to our previous topic: terrorism. In many tv shows there is always one super, mega, ultra etc. hero(like mentioned before Jack Bauer or Chuck Norris) who saves the world and terrorists are mostly Muslims… sometimes Russians or Asians.
But let’s stay away from terrorism now… let’s talk about stereotypes which are considered funny.
Let’s talk about… nerds. There are many shows in which we can see a school and two groups: loved by everyone sportsmen and cheerleaders and a group of nerds. Nerds don’t have “the ability” to talk with girls, they study and play video games and they are beaten by others in school or everywhere else :)
Do you think it’s adequate? Do you think it’s funny?
Some short videos from “The big bang theory”:
Well I think it is funny but I consider it as a tv fiction. This stereotype isn’t adequate today. “Nerds” in real life don’t act like nerds in tv shows. They aren’t so… different. I have seen some program lately in which there were some popular “nerds”. And guess what? Bill Gates was studying much, he was wearing glasses and he could have been considered as nerd… but now when we know what he has and what he did no one really cares about what was he like in school.
Another stereotype(or maybe it is just a joke?) might be harsh but let’s talk about “stupid and fat” kids… in many tv shows we can see that nowadays let’s say young citizens like to eat very much and they aren’t really… clever.
Few examples from “Two and a Half men”
Again I think it is more fiction than reality… but then again… I’ve seen many things and maybe I just want to believe that this one won’t become true :)
What about Jews or black people? Are there jokes about them in tv shows? Are there any stereotypes? For sure but are they funny? I won't say anything about South Park but in this show you can find almost every stereotype and many jokes about everything.
Do you watch House M.D.? In this tv show there are many jokes about Jews or black people(House vs Foreman). Do you think that kind of jokes are funny? Or are they mean?
I think that many of them are mean but also in some way funny. I like to laugh very much… even if a joke is somehow connected with me. For example I’m not offended when I hear a joke about students or IT specialists. Many of them are funny :)
There are more stereotypes and jokes in tv shows but I think that those mentioned above will be enough…
So what is your opinion? Are jokes and stereotypes in tv shows ok or rather not?