Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Board games closer.

In this post post I would like to talk about board games generally and I am going to concentrate on modern games.
What is board game every one know, but probably not everyone know that that not all games are simple and easy, there are games without dice... :) There are even games without board:)
More about common components you could read here.
There is many categories of games:
My favorite one is Eurogames and Wargames.:)
But this categories are not only one way to discribe games, there is also clasyfication similar to this in video games. (Strategy, Economic, Takctic etc.)

What is magic in board games? In my opinion this is nice intellectual effort with friends, you could make some special atmosphere to play some particular game.. some horrors for example could be played in half dark rooms in light of candles.. :) Have I mentioned friends? :) It's really good time, a way better then playing video games or watching tv. It's enough funny to make break during programming or work. For example 30 minutes of Bluff (Liar's dice)
Most games could be played during 2h, but some could be played for 8 - 10 hours! My favourites are these witch duration are about 2-3hours, but maybe I would be able to play Civization , my dream game(picture on the right).
The best team for playing consist of 3-4 people and for such amount of players most of the games are designed, but anyway there is a lot of games for one or more then 4 players, everybody could find something suitable.
I mostly play with my girlfriend (1vs1) and it still generates a lot of fun:)
However, there is some games like The Settlers From Catan which is designed for 3 or 4 players, but this was our first game and we wants to play instantly, without searching someone more, few minutes with google and catching! I found custom rules for 2 ppl.! Try to do this with World of Warcraft:D

But there is some dark sides of board games, they're quite expensive, mostly price are starting from 90 pln and ends on 250 pln. But the most common price is 129 pln. Of course it's nearly imposible to pirate such game:) But there is some way to do that, not recommended for games wihitch you could still buy, but there is some situation when you can't(games are able to be out of print like books:( ). I had such situation with my Bluff, my girlfriend wants this game very mutch and only way I found was Photoshop and TADA! (picture on the right)
I have to buy 31 dice's and some optional cups for players, game is ready. 30 minuts of fun, cost 30pln :)

If you want start playing board games, try some games before with some already geeked friend or even in board games shop. More info about where to buy or play here.
For those ppl. who are interested there is some guys home site about games with a lot of video podcast and games demos(here).
On this the most famus board games portal ever, you culd find top list of best games, it could be helpfull during choosing your first and other games, but you have to remeamber that 1st place on thist list is not equal to your staisfaction. At every forum you could find big topics about choosing your first game, as I mentioned above, my first game was The Settlers Of Cottan and I think that it was good choice. By first game i have on mind games other then games bought before I become geek:) But about my collection I would like to talk in the next post.

For the dessert I will disclose my favorite game:)
bon appétit!

Wysokie Napięcie from Planszolandia on Vimeo.


  1. (s3572)

    I used to play chess when I was a kid. That was a real fun for me - I read books about this game, I tried new strategies... Now I feel too stupid for that game - I couldn't beat most stupid computer AI... I'm too old for it ;-)
    I always wanted to try out the RPG but I've never had any time for that :-(

  2. I have tried some RPG in high school, but believe me, it's nothing in compare to nice and simple board game:D :)
    2-3h for game is easier to still from live then 8-18h for RPG :D
    Maybe you should try Talisman: Magia i Miecz, board game origins from RPG.

  3. Simple board games are the best. I didn't play any board RPG but maybe I'll have the opportunity in the future. It's fun when it's easy to learn and anybody can play with friends without the whole "lecture thing". It's not a commercial, but if You want to know something more of a game that You want to buy, or simply (like me) don't know what You want, then I can recommend You a shop in Warsaw. "Green City" al.Jerozolimskie, Level -1 , sector A8. The guy that's working there played a lot.

  4. Yeah, Rpg games sounds interesting for me :)
    But on the other hand they require more time and $$ then others.
    From what i know you can even buy some personalized figures to play with.

  5. I think that everything about what I used to play, what I like, etc. I have mentioned in my comment to "Welcome message!".

    I agree that playing board games can be fun... but for me it is something that I used to do in the past and now computer games are way better for me...

    Playing computer games doesn't mean that you are sitting alone in your room...
    I remember old times when I was playing Heroes of Might and Magic 3 on one computer with 7 friends... or Mortal Kombat or some racing games.
    Now there is no problem to meet with friends and play some wideo games on one of the consoles(X360 or PS3) or play some computer games which have cooperation mode. It is really great :)

    About the price...

    90zł up to 250zł is almost the same as video games prices.

  6. I’m a great fan of chess ;) I love this game. When I was a kid my father taught me how to play and for a long time he was my only opponent. And every time he won until the last year. I was very proud of myself. It’s really difficult to beat him. When I won a game with him for the first time I believed in myself and started to play often. It’s really a cool game ;D

  7. I have played Power Grid about twenty (or so) times. I think this game can show its full potential only if there is 4 or more players

  8. I have heard about this theory.. But hopefully I have no so much friends to play :D

  9. Many of such games have been redisigned to fit the virtual reality. This means that you can play boardgames online on your computer screen. There are many advantages of playing over the internet. First of all, you will always find someone to play with. Secondly, you can play with friends who are many kilometers away from you.

  10. At some time I was playing both rgp games and board games. I personally preferred to play rpg games like AD&D or Warhammer, albo Magic The Gathering and for some time it was great, but I agree that it involves spending some money... board games are cheaper, simpler and maybe more funny when you are playing with friends during some party etc.
