Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Beers and beer related stuff

According to latest figures compiled by the Brewers of Europe average beer consumption per person in Poland in 2007 was 93litres. That’s the fifth place in global consumption of this alcoholic beverage. And with our well known trade mark – Żywiec, we should have some knowledge of beer, or do we really have?

The basics. Beer is one of the world's oldest beverages, possibly dating back to the early Neolithic or 9000 BC, and is recorded in the written history of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. [by Wikipedia]
I believe many of you will say that beer is made from hops. That’s partly true, but basic ingredients are water, malted barley(sometimes wheat or other) yeasts, and just a little bit of hops for flavouring
Of course there are many varieties of beer, and depending on particular beer style and region of brewing those ingredients(or their proportions) may vary, especially type of malt and yeast.

So drinking our beloved zywiec, how could we described it? Is light in colour and the taste is lightly hopped. But beer categorization looks slightly different. There are two main beer types based on the temperature of the brewing. Those which yeasts are fermenting at high temperatures are called ales, and those brewed at low temperatures are called lagers. And so is zywiec and other most popular products on polish market. Lagers are the most commonly consumed beers in the world. But the color doesn’t determine the style, and malt is responsible for the shade. So we have light pale lager or simply Pilsner(with distinct hop flavour) first time introduced by brewery from Pilsen ( the present-day Czech-Republik) Pilsner Urquell, dark Bock (or koźlak, with malty flavour) almost black Baltic porter(very strong)
And the most popular ales are: wheat beer contain malted wheat and barley, usually the yeast is not filtered out, giving the beer a cloudy appearance. German wheat beer(weizen) becomes more and more popular in Poland
Stout – the most famous example Guinness, very dark in colour and dry in flavour
And the Trappist beers, brewed by or under control of Trappist monks. Only six trappist monasteries from Belgium and one in the Netherlands produce this beer, contain complex aroma and flavor, often spicy and fruity

Most beers are cleared of yeast by filtering when packaged in bottles and cans, there are many kinds of bottles and some breweries use plastic (PET) 1l or 1.5l bottles – unseen in polish market. What else should we know, that the beer should be drank from a glass or a mug, because the aroma plays great role in tasting and enjoying the beer, and the temperature - low-strength lagers prefer to be served chilled, while strong porters may be served at room temperature,
Health effect. Don’t forget that the main ingredient of beer is alcohol, typical lager based beer contain 5-6% alcohol, Czech pilsners are of lower alcohol content (3-5%) but still provide nice hop bitterness flavor and aroma but despite the alcohol, brewing yeasts are known to be a rich source of nutrients, like magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, so sensible, moderate drinking especially unfiltered and unpasteurised beers does no harm, only good ;-)
Are you a beer enthusiast? Have you ever tried some of the earlier mentioned beer types?

Saturday, 25 April 2009

TV Shows connected with cars

Hello again,

Today I would like to talk about some popular TV shows related to cars.
I think that all of you must have seen at least one of following:

Another popular show is

Do you find that kind of shows interesting, entertaining, boring or just plain stupid?

By myself I find Top Gear quite interesting. They show various informations about cars in humorous way. And they mix it with some entertainment so it isnt to boring.
As for Pimp my ride.. I think that I wouldnt give them my car to be pimped up.. You never know what they will do with it :) - I wouldnt be happy if they painted my car in rainbow colours and put some strange equipment under its trunk..

Would you like to take part in Pimp My Ride program? Or would you rather changed it for free visit in authorized workshop if you had that option?


Thursday, 23 April 2009

Technical Condition Of Cars On Our Roads

Hello again,
Not so long ago we have been celebrating 1st day of Spring. We said 'bye bye' to snow and 'hello' to warm weather. For every driver out there this also means that its time to take his summer-tires out of basement and go to workshop. It is also time for checking our car technical condition after winter.

Saab Img

my car

Im a lucky (or unlucky) owner of almost 9 year old Saab 9-3. I simply love this car and would like to keep it in great condition for as long as it is possible. But as you probably know this car isnt the most popular one on our streets.. and this leads to 2 major things:

  • expensiveness of parts to this model

  • difficulty with finding these parts

But I still love this car for its uniqueness..<3

Few weeks ago I was in workshop to change my tires and make some technical review. First funny thing was that mechanist had no idea how to lift the car up on their machines because of unique chassis structure and low side spoilers ( sport 'aero' version) :P finally they ended up lifting every wheel separately on standard elevator swearing like old shoemaker.

Second situation which I found funny was where 1 of mechanics had to move a car a bit. So he got into the car with key and after short period everybody heard something like 'WTF? Where is the ignition switch!?!'. For those who didnt know – in saabs ignition switch is on the right side of seat just next to gear – box.

But not every moment was so funny. After whole review I decided to ask about 'repairing' the lcd display of SID (Saab Information Display). It turned out that they dont repair it and I have to buy whole new one. I asked how much would it be for new SID. “3500PLN” was the answer 0o. So my jaw wend down and I realized that im not in that dire need of fully functional SID. Besides.. later I have found in Google that there are some electronics who 'regenerate' it for just 150PLN which I think is worth trying.

But back to the topic :) I have paid like 100 PLN for whole 'operation'. 30 PLN for changing tires and like 70 for checking rest of devices. Which i think wasnt that big price for having my car tuned up for new road conditions.

Lets discuss the dangerous cars on our roads problem. Which used to appear in media from time to time. I havent managed to find appropriate article in English but here are some short polish links connected to this issue:

First Article
Second Article

Their both refer to corruption problem in polish workshops. Is it really so easy to go trough technical review even without showing a car?

If its true than this could mean that old cars in terrible condition are peacefully riding on our roads without any consequences. And in my opinion they can be as deadly as drunk drivers or sick and old peoples mentioned by Michal Dobrzanski in his comment to previous post. And whats about foreign drivers from Litwa? As i know from my own experience they drive like crazy and their cars are usually some 10-14 yr old passats with rust on their cars body.

So, suming up... What do you think about corruption problem in polish workshops?
What could be made to actually eliminate dangerous cars?

And maybe some offtopic idea..
What do you think about car sellers who bring dangerous cars from abroad and cheat on their condition to sell tham at the higher price?

- I almost bought that kind of car some time ago, but luckily i checked it registration plates in google and found out true about it on some dutch website.


Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Driving Etiquette

Im Krzysiek and its my turn to post on the blog this week ;]

Easter holidays are over. Im wondering how many of you spent part of it in your car – traveling.
I have been driving a lot so I had a thought to focus on car related topics in my posts.

Im planning to divide topic to 3 parts as follows:
  • Driving Etiquette

  • Technical Condition Of Cars On Our Roads

  • TV Shows connected with cars

Lets focus on Driving Etiquette today.
Ok, so whats that? From my understanding it is a set of driver behaviors which are described as positive or negative on the road.

In general im very calm person but stupidity of some drivers makes my eyes glow red :)
It looks like some people just dont have imagination at all. Im talking about such things as:

  • not using turning lights during overtake maneuver

  • using horn constantly without any serious reason

  • overtaking other cars in places where its not allowed

  • throwing away various things out of car window while driving

  • driving while drunk

  • and many, many others

But I think that the most irritating are such called TIR drivers. Usually im driving a bit over speed limit outside of town (around 100-120) but in town I always slow down to 50-60 because i do care about others safety. When Im driving this 60 kmh and look in my rear mirror I see that big wall moving towards me at high speed and flashing its lights. Come on...


I never had any car accident as driver but I have seen few. And maybe that is still stimulating my imagination.

How about you? Do you share my viewpoint? Or maybe you see it other way?
Dont be shy and share your opinion about it :) You can also share some history from your experience or tell what you find irritating on the road.

And what do you think about the “Driver from Warsaw” Stereotype? Is it true that these drivers are well known for their lack of imagination on the road?

Here are some links that I found connected to the topic:

Short article about some rules for proper driving

Here is some 5 min movie containing advices about safe driving:

And here is funny polish Hoop Cola commercial which we can watch quite often lately in TV

Well.. I have written about negative behaviors. But of course there are also some positive ones.
Example is showing your intentions with your lights:

  • short flash of right turning light – left line is free, go ahead with overtaking

  • both turning lights flashing – thanks!

  • short signals with your driving lights – warning (police or danger on the road)

  • halogen lights turned on when there is good weather – look at me im a jerk and you cant do anything about it

Ok maybe that last isnt fully true :) Do you know any other positive behaviors on the road?

- s3580

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Pirate Bay

I know it's not my turn but I thought it could be quite interesting, at least if you haven't heard, yesterday Pirate Bay founders were sentenced to a year in jail and ordered to pay £2.5 million in damages for helping users to download music, films and computer games
of course they will appeal and as one of the founders said "Nothing will happen to TPB, this is just theatre for the media"
We haven't heard computer piracy related news for a long time and here you are,
i don't want to judge anyone and say what's legal or what's not, but how can companies and producers minimize their lost revenues? Or is it even a true sentence, how come they lose money if I was never going to buy anything in the first place?
If it's worth the money then I'm gonna buy it, I was using OpenOffice and when Microsoft lowered their price of Office to 200zł I bought it because the price was reasonable,
do you download movies from the net? what should be changed? feel free to post your opinion

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Somali pirates - new global crisis?

In the News, there are more and more informations about kidnappings west vessels by Somali Pirates. They take more and more hostages, they get big ransoms. After last hijack of US-flagged container ship pirates took captain of the ship as a hostage. It is the second container ship reported hijacked off Somalia in less than a week. USA government after failure negotiations, ordered to rescue him by force. For this task they send Navy Seals team. The Navy Seals snipers took out three pirates in few seconds. Mission was successful, but pirates said that from now they will kill every American hostages without any negotiations. It looks like the problem is growing up and It's only beginning of new world crisis with no solution.

Richard Phillips, right, the captain of the U.S.-flagged cargo ship Maersk Alabama, after his rescue.

It seems that this situation is never ending story, until UE and other countries start doing something instead of just watching. Pirates get few millions USD for every kidnapped ship, so for them those are easy money in their poor country.

Do you think we should be worry about this new threat during global financial crisis? Do you think UE should take some serious actions preventing next hijacks? Maybe we just need to use military force and eliminate pirates, like talibs in Iraq or Afghanistan?

Oh, and for those who like advanced military technologies, US DARPA agency is researching new Guided-Bullet technology for sniper rifles to deal with such difficult situations.


Saturday, 11 April 2009

Easter 2.0

Strong tradition

As we celebrate Easter in this week, I want to write a topic connected with this holiday. In Poland Easter has great meaning and is celebrate very ceremonial. In fact this is the most important holiday in the hole year. As Christians, we go to the church to celebrate every year Jesus Christ resurrection. My family maintain this tradition and I also participate in it. Of course my favourite part is Wet Monday ;) Poland characterizes rich culture and tradition witch is proofed by this holiday, but can this tradition survive in XXI century?

New vision of Easter

New Easter cupcakes

Instead of civilization grown, Easter has been secularized and commercialized, traditions are changing too. People work longer, they don't have time to prepare to this holiday, they buy ready-to-eat Easter meals and even Easter baskets prepared in restaurants or shops. In Internet apears more and more ideas of 'new Easter holiday'. You can find new Easter dinner recipes e.g Cupcakes, travel agencies offer us to spend Easter at sea or in the mountains. Our children will celebrate this holiday in very different way...

Do you participate in such holidays? Do you think changing traditions is something natural or maybe we should worry? Maybe in the few years instead of going to church, we would login into some web page and click 'Poświęć koszyczek' button? :)

In this opportunity I would like to wish everybody happy Easter and tasty Easter egg and of course wet Monday! :)


own experiences

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

QuakeLive phenomenon

Hi there! In this week it's my turn to moderate this blog, so I would like to start with well known topic, computer games. But I would like to talk about new way of playing games on line. In this case I want to introduce you Quake Live.

At first there was Quake... and it was good.

Quake as you surely know, is one of the best first-person shooter series ever. First Quake was released by id Software on June 22 1996, just as the Internet was popularised, and it was one of the first FPP games playable over the internet. Quake, Quake II, Quake III Arena, Quake 4, and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars have sold over 4 million copies combined (source: In 2002, even a version of Quake was produced for mobile phones! Then it was something new, something different, everybody could play with each other. They could make modifications and own maps. Quake concentrated many different groups of people, it was Quake phenomenon.

Now comes Quake Live!

Nowadays, almost every teenager has computer with access to Internet. Games with multiplayer mode are nothing new... Now we need something more, better, faster and... easier to access and play, even for free! And all those features give us Quake Live! This id Software's new project moves Quake 3 into web browser. You just need to download about ~200Mb installer, that applies plugin to your browser, and you can eliminate your opponents... for free.

Check out gameplays! Watch that graphics!

Quake Live is available on the newly launched website It brings us over 25 maps and 4 game modes. The majority of the maps are based heavily on originals from Quake III Arena, Quake III Team Arena and popular user-made maps.

Quake Live game modes:
- Duel: Player versus player (1-on-1) combat. Whomever gets the most frags before the time is up wins.
- Free For All: Players engage in a match, where everyone fights for themselves. Whomever hits the frag limit first wins and ends the game. When the time limit expires, player with the most frags is the winner.
- Team Deathmatch: Same rules as Free for All b
ut in this mode, two teams fight each other.
- Capture the Flag: Each team has a base, holding a flag. To earn points and win the game, a player must take the opposite flag, and return them to their own.
- Clan Arena: Teambased gameplay, everyone starts fully equipped with full armor and weapons. When fragged, the player must wait for the next round to begin. Players can rocket jump with no health penalty.
- Instagib: Free for All mode where players start with only a Railgun, which always delivers one-hit kills.

Quake Live website has many features like player statistics, your friends list, live chat, forums and more. You can play on full screen, where is no need of high speed Internet connection (but I recommend al least 1Mb). There are thousands of players all over the world wanted to play, I suppose there is also same people from PJWSTK (You can find me under 'iwosz' nickname). But why you read this boring review, check it out by yourselves now! Registration takes 5 minutes :) What do you think about this new trend in computer games? Do you think 'live' games supplant classic games? Do you have account on QuakeLive already? :)

Play Quake Live now for free!

Quake Live website

Saturday, 4 April 2009

"sibi" radios....

Citizens' Band radio (CB) is a system of short-distance radio communications between people.
As You probably noticed more and more cars are equipped with huge antennas.

What makes it so popular?

CB does not require a license and it may be used for personal communications.
The CB's channels are shared by many users.
Only one station should transmit at a time.
That is the main problem with this communication system. Sometimes people don't wait until others finish. The effect: "You don't hear anything except noise".
Others should listen and wait for the shared channel to be available.

You Can talk on almost every channel, that is..almost:

28 - this channel is used when You want to talk somebody.
19 - The road channel. It is the most popular and makes CB in our country famous. It is the channel where You can get information on traffic, roads and even hiding police cars :-).
In the past, channel 9 was the "rescue channel". You can ask for help on that channel.

Basic rules of handling CB:

1.When You want to talk You should say "break", and somebody will usually let You talk. It's not so often nowadays on channel 19 to hear "break". People simply say what they want.
2. When You want to say something then wait for a moment when nobody talks.
3. Don't use Mr./Mrs. Rather use "friend".
4. Don't use "bad language"
5. Don't be an idiot by making stupid broadcasts thru the radio like broadcasting music.
6. You have to have a permission/license for the hardware that You're using.

Some CB talk:

1- How's the road to Wroclaw?
2- Clear
1- Thanks. I don't know where you're going but you also have clear :-)

1- Hi Jurek, did you get back from sanatorium already?
2- Yes, I'm back
1- How was it? The same women?
2- .......(silence)
1- When will You go again?
2- My wife sitting beside me...
1- Upsss. Sorry....

- Friend from the red bus, can You turn on the radio because I want to ask You something?

1- I drive 60 and I can't go faster because a Maluch (Fiat 126p) is blocking me!
2- Push him! Push him!

Road Garwolin-Ryki
1- Mobiles, how's the road to Ryki?
2- Don't go to Ryki because You'll be stupid like "byki", go to "Rzeszowa" and be stupid like "krowa" :-)

1- Friend from the blue MAN, are You on the radio?
2- Yes, what's up?
1- You're dragging some sort of tape behind you..
2- O f*ck! I was towing somebody....

1- How's the track to Warsaw?
2- Clean
1- Thanks, "bajo"!
2- "Bajo"? Hang yourself on the "jajo" :-)

What do You think made CB so popular in our country (other reasons) ?
Do You own/will to own a CB radio?
And last but not least....Have You heard something funny? :-)

If You're hungry for more than visit:

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Stupid reality?

As You know our society is tormented with stupid reality shows. Look...

1. The first one: "Living on the edge"

What will some do for money? Isn't that the biggest stupidity? Unfortunately no, look...

2. Second: Fear Factor

I wouldn't even look at it, and for sure wouldn't eat it. Will People do anything for money?

The popularity of reality TV has raised. The most know in our country are:
"Agent”, „Big Brother", "Bar", "Fear Factor", "Idol", "Everything about Miriam", "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition", "Hell's kitchen", "Wife Swap".

Some of them can be interesting ("Hell's kitchen"), some can be inspiring ("Extreme Makeover") and some can be stupid (like the rest that I've mentioned).

Short description:
"Agent" - It was the first one in our TV.
There were 12 people, 6 men and 6 women. Their goal was to complete missions. For every mission there was an amount of money. Amongst those 12 there was an agent whose job was to hinder the others in completing the mission. The goal at the end was to get a green feather which meant "winner".

"Big Brother" - Some people locked up in a specially made house and everything just to watch how they behave and participate in given tasks. The goal was to eliminate others by nominating them to leave the house.

"Bar" - didn't differ much from "Big Brother", except that the contestants had a bar and had to work.

"Fear Factor" - another name for stupidity. You must do crazy things and eat a lot of ugly stuff to get money. Awful!

"Idol" - A show which's purpose was to find young and talented. Ended like everything else.

"Everything about Miriam" - it's maybe the most controvert of all. A man made a woman and a bunch of other man that try to win his/her heart.
What's the catch? They don't know that she was a man. Disgusting! Briefly: From Marian to Miriam.

"Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" - a less rude reality show. The goal is to make poor people happy by building them a dream home.

"Hell's kitchen" - One of my favorites.
The goal is to stay last and be the chef of a restaurant that "is haunted" by Gordon Ramsey, a well know cook.

"Wife swap" - a show in which You can trade your wife for another for a short period of time.

Why people watch such stupidity? Is it curiosity? Don't You think that it's enough?
What else could they invent?
Don't underestimate the minds of the producers, we have more and more coming in.

New reality shows are for example:

"Łapać złodzieja"

A reality show in which You get robbed. A splendid idea! What will be next?

"Jak oni śpiewają"
The title tells You everything You should know.

"Zostań posłem"
A new reality that can make a member of parliament out of You! That's inspiring......

Which ones do You like and why?
Do You think it is a good source of amusement?

1. My own head :-)
2. YouTube

Virtual Cocoon

This is not my day to write posts but last I was surfing on the Internet I found interesting article.

The article about new experimental device developed by English scientists from Warwick University - UK .

The device is a helmet which is capable not only show what is happening on the screen, and sends the smells and even taste.The point is that the design of the helmet includes a high-resolution screen, as well as a special system of pipes that bring different mixtures of odors and tastes, depending on what the observer sees on the screen.

By the way, the temperature inside the helmet is also monitored, and if the user sees on the screen of the Arctic wilderness, the helmet gets cold much, but if you would like to show a tropical beach - the helmet starts to heat up.

This helmet, called Developer Virtual Cocoon, is not a concept, but it is a real device - and after five years, scientists hope to develop the mass production of these helmets. The cost of such a device would be $ 2675.

What do you think about such devices ? Have you ever used sth like this ? Do you think that it will be in the future common device such game pad or wheel?