Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Beers and beer related stuff

According to latest figures compiled by the Brewers of Europe average beer consumption per person in Poland in 2007 was 93litres. That’s the fifth place in global consumption of this alcoholic beverage. And with our well known trade mark – Żywiec, we should have some knowledge of beer, or do we really have?

The basics. Beer is one of the world's oldest beverages, possibly dating back to the early Neolithic or 9000 BC, and is recorded in the written history of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. [by Wikipedia]
I believe many of you will say that beer is made from hops. That’s partly true, but basic ingredients are water, malted barley(sometimes wheat or other) yeasts, and just a little bit of hops for flavouring
Of course there are many varieties of beer, and depending on particular beer style and region of brewing those ingredients(or their proportions) may vary, especially type of malt and yeast.

So drinking our beloved zywiec, how could we described it? Is light in colour and the taste is lightly hopped. But beer categorization looks slightly different. There are two main beer types based on the temperature of the brewing. Those which yeasts are fermenting at high temperatures are called ales, and those brewed at low temperatures are called lagers. And so is zywiec and other most popular products on polish market. Lagers are the most commonly consumed beers in the world. But the color doesn’t determine the style, and malt is responsible for the shade. So we have light pale lager or simply Pilsner(with distinct hop flavour) first time introduced by brewery from Pilsen ( the present-day Czech-Republik) Pilsner Urquell, dark Bock (or koźlak, with malty flavour) almost black Baltic porter(very strong)
And the most popular ales are: wheat beer contain malted wheat and barley, usually the yeast is not filtered out, giving the beer a cloudy appearance. German wheat beer(weizen) becomes more and more popular in Poland
Stout – the most famous example Guinness, very dark in colour and dry in flavour
And the Trappist beers, brewed by or under control of Trappist monks. Only six trappist monasteries from Belgium and one in the Netherlands produce this beer, contain complex aroma and flavor, often spicy and fruity

Most beers are cleared of yeast by filtering when packaged in bottles and cans, there are many kinds of bottles and some breweries use plastic (PET) 1l or 1.5l bottles – unseen in polish market. What else should we know, that the beer should be drank from a glass or a mug, because the aroma plays great role in tasting and enjoying the beer, and the temperature - low-strength lagers prefer to be served chilled, while strong porters may be served at room temperature,
Health effect. Don’t forget that the main ingredient of beer is alcohol, typical lager based beer contain 5-6% alcohol, Czech pilsners are of lower alcohol content (3-5%) but still provide nice hop bitterness flavor and aroma but despite the alcohol, brewing yeasts are known to be a rich source of nutrients, like magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, so sensible, moderate drinking especially unfiltered and unpasteurised beers does no harm, only good ;-)
Are you a beer enthusiast? Have you ever tried some of the earlier mentioned beer types?


  1. (s3572)

    I'm not a beer lover. I prefer colored liquors like Metaxa or Malt&Grain whisky for drinks... And of course the old good grog for sailors ;-).
    Beer is so...errrrgh boorish.

  2. Yes I’m a beer enthusiast but I drink only occasionally when I want to relax and rest.
    Beer is perfect when you watch football matches or when get together with friends at the end of the day.
    During summer break, nothing is better to drink rather than cold beer in the beach. Then you feel that you rest!
    And beer is a good alcohol to start partying. I go to bar and I simultaneously order cold beer, it’s natural behavior.
    I drink foreign beer very rarely. Usually I don’t like it. I prefer polish beer, like Tyskie, Lech, Żywiec or Żubr.

  3. I'm not really a beer enthusiast but I have tried many beer types and I don't have anything against beer.
    Like Kamil said... beer is great when you watch footbal matches especially when you watch them with friends.
    Great example was yetserday... "El Clasico"... great match, fascinating 90 minutes, friends and beer... and it doesn't matter who supports which team :)

  4. When it come to me I like beer and I would like to try all kinds of beers in the world. I remember once upon a time I bought about 5 types to try and choose the fav one but unfortunately after the third one I lost sense of taste (all taste the same ;) ). I was funny story. But generally speaking I like discover new tastes of beers.

  5. Beer is great drink and Guinness is the best ever. In Harenda it's possible to get a pint of Guinness Stout. Unforcunately as I heard from the bartender it's produced in Poland. It really tastes else than irish one.

  6. I prefer beer locally breved, like Konstancin Brewery or Ciechan. Polish commercial beer like Żywiec and Tyskie, are bad since are bought by big beer concerns like Heineken.

    I prefer also bock beer like Kozlak, Grand but not Guiness.... :)

  7. Nowadays I only drink Ciechan with honey. It is sometnig new and I like the taste of that beer. I also heard that this type of beer is healtier than the orignal one because it has no chemical adds.
    Soooo cheers;)

  8. I've drunk some beers in my life. I must say that "Ciechan Honey" is very good. It's unpasteurised and has a great taste that reminds me of the true, original "Warsteiner" that I drunk some years ago in Germany.
    Commercial beers are worse. Maybe when You buy "Carlsberg" then it's just so because it isn't even "Carlsberg" just "Okocim". Have You ever tried "Caffrey's" with that caramel taste? It's more like a stout so it's not so bitter. It can be bought in some of our supermarkets, and it's not crap like "Miller". (Green cans only in our country). Cheers!

  9. I don't think I'm beer enthusiast, but I have drunk some sorts of beer and I can honestly say that Guinness is very tasty, but you have to prepare it properly. In other way it doesnt taste good.

  10. considering the amounts of beer that i drink i must say that quality/price ratio is extremely important to me. that's the general reason why i stick with polish beers and haven't even tried anything exotic..

  11. I was the Tyskie lover. I remeber holiday when I drunk 3-4 beers 3-4 time per week. But since then the quality of polish have somehow dropped and changed "my interest" to wine. I strongly recommend you to try some japanesse wine. Cheers. ;)

  12. I am not alcohols lover, but I like cold beer when I am tired.. My favourites are Pilsner, Dębowe Mocne, Desperados, especially in good company:)

  13. When i was younger i remember times when i could drink 5-7 beers one after another.. now when im older i barely can drink 1 beer ;] Cold beer is still good option to relax in the evening. As for my favourite beers i like: Zywiec, Heineken, Lech, Desperados and sometimes Reds :)

  14. Yeah, it's noting better then cold beer after hard day full of work, aaah ;) I like Żywiec, Heineken, Palm but also "aromatic" beers like those at Bierhalle.

  15. once I've been to beer fest. I have heard there that church didn't like the idea of huge parties, organized when fresh beer was brewerd. Whole viliages were totally drunk during those events, so priests started to add hop-plant to beer. Originally beer was made from barley.Hop plant makes people calm and sleepy. ;o)
