Tuesday, 7 April 2009

QuakeLive phenomenon

Hi there! In this week it's my turn to moderate this blog, so I would like to start with well known topic, computer games. But I would like to talk about new way of playing games on line. In this case I want to introduce you Quake Live.

At first there was Quake... and it was good.

Quake as you surely know, is one of the best first-person shooter series ever. First Quake was released by id Software on June 22 1996, just as the Internet was popularised, and it was one of the first FPP games playable over the internet. Quake, Quake II, Quake III Arena, Quake 4, and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars have sold over 4 million copies combined (source: wikipedia.org). In 2002, even a version of Quake was produced for mobile phones! Then it was something new, something different, everybody could play with each other. They could make modifications and own maps. Quake concentrated many different groups of people, it was Quake phenomenon.

Now comes Quake Live!

Nowadays, almost every teenager has computer with access to Internet. Games with multiplayer mode are nothing new... Now we need something more, better, faster and... easier to access and play, even for free! And all those features give us Quake Live! This id Software's new project moves Quake 3 into web browser. You just need to download about ~200Mb installer, that applies plugin to your browser, and you can eliminate your opponents... for free.

Check out gameplays! Watch that graphics!

Quake Live is available on the newly launched website http://quakelive.com. It brings us over 25 maps and 4 game modes. The majority of the maps are based heavily on originals from Quake III Arena, Quake III Team Arena and popular user-made maps.

Quake Live game modes:
- Duel: Player versus player (1-on-1) combat. Whomever gets the most frags before the time is up wins.
- Free For All: Players engage in a match, where everyone fights for themselves. Whomever hits the frag limit first wins and ends the game. When the time limit expires, player with the most frags is the winner.
- Team Deathmatch: Same rules as Free for All b
ut in this mode, two teams fight each other.
- Capture the Flag: Each team has a base, holding a flag. To earn points and win the game, a player must take the opposite flag, and return them to their own.
- Clan Arena: Teambased gameplay, everyone starts fully equipped with full armor and weapons. When fragged, the player must wait for the next round to begin. Players can rocket jump with no health penalty.
- Instagib: Free for All mode where players start with only a Railgun, which always delivers one-hit kills.

Quake Live website has many features like player statistics, your friends list, live chat, forums and more. You can play on full screen, where is no need of high speed Internet connection (but I recommend al least 1Mb). There are thousands of players all over the world wanted to play, I suppose there is also same people from PJWSTK (You can find me under 'iwosz' nickname). But why you read this boring review, check it out by yourselves now! Registration takes 5 minutes :) What do you think about this new trend in computer games? Do you think 'live' games supplant classic games? Do you have account on QuakeLive already? :)

Play Quake Live now for free!

Quake Live website


  1. (s3572)

    We play a lot of Quake 3 at my work (sometimes even during the work hours). We play quick death matches before going back home. And about once per month we have small party in the office where all employees meet and it's perfect time to play Wii, poker and of course Quake while drinking a lot of beer...

  2. It is great game to waste time on it during work ! If you have non working time a lot , of course ;) After I've read this article (i was in my work) i post it to my friend (from my work) both of us have installed the game... till end of the busines day we have played on it.

  3. Quake series is great and it is a fact... but I like a bit different shooters like Counter Strike.

    Nowadays there are many "browser games"... especially MMO games. There are also many free games but they contain microtransactions. You can legally download the game and use it for free... but there is also an option to pay for some things in game. You are not forced to do so but in many cases it will make your "virtual life" easier :)

    This whole idea of free games is of course great but I like to have a box with the game... but if someone is only playing and not collecting games he will like this new trend.

    Few days ago I have found a nice MMO game called "Runes of Magic"... it's similar to "World of Warcraft" (on some websites it's called "WoW clone") but it is free to play... check it out if you want :)

  4. Quake is a legend among PC shooters, but I have a surfeit for this type of games. There's too much of them. I have to admit, that I've also played some. My favourites where: Quake III & Arena over LAN, and Unreal Tournament & UT2003. Nowadays I prefer other game types like Wii games, some PSP hack& slash and RPGs (also PC ones). Quake over browser..hmm, that can be fun. I've been recently running a Quake 3 port on my phone, so why not :-)

  5. the whole idea of playing games via internet browser/without installation looks very promising, although Quake is actually not my thing, Counter Strike on the other hand holds a special place in my heart ;-)

  6. I used to play Quake2 when I was in secondary school. Pretty long time ago, I'm not updated in this subject but here's what I think.
    Installation of a plugin is still needed, in case Quake2 files just had to be unpacked and game was ready for playing.
    Anyway it's cool, somebody wanted to do something new for this great game.

  7. I started playing Quake form Quake I. That game was great for it's times and i spent lot of time playing it. Then was Quake 2 but with single mode so it's sucks generally. Then Quake 3 with new engine and new dynamic. My favorite part is 3 but some of my friends still play Quake 1, personally I don't understand why but they do.
    Playing Quake 3 is great way of spending time in work when none is watching.

  8. I’ve spend a lot of time playing with my friends in Quake 3 Arena on the LAN. We had wonderful time killing each other in Quake reality. This game is rather old and perhaps it lacks modern graphics, but it’s fast, highly playable and that’s what makes Quake ultimate FPP tournament game. ;o)

  9. This news confirms my theory that everything is going to web browser: communicators, music, video, games, sharing files, backup files etc. I read about operating system based on web browser. That is why I think that we will see more new web browsers, maybe Microsoft develops new model? Why not? IE is old fashion designed and it has big problems with compatibility. IE is a symbol of old-fashioned technology.

  10. Quake Live for me is not so innovative..:D They lose some performance for lunching it through a web browser plug-in.. Which is not less then ordinary game.. And why? In my opinion it is only a marketing strategy... But I hope, that I have no right, because I like ID-Software games :)

  11. Im not a master in this type of games ;] But when i was younger my dad used to play them a lot. He managed to complete duken nuken, quake, quake 2, quake 3 and unreal tourment. I enjoyed observing computer screen a lot ;] Now i play q3 from time to time. The whole idea to play it in web browser is interesting but as someone mentioned i wonder if it will be running smoothly enough.

  12. I used to play FPP shooters a lot during high school. I had a lot of spare time back then so I used the time to have fun. One of my favourite games was of course quake III arena. Nowadays I don't have so much time to spent in front of my computer playing games.
