Friday, 8 May 2009

Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of green house gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide.

Another day I read in The Focus magazine (December 2008) an article on an influence of eaten food on an the global warming. At first I was very skeptical and even laughed out the idea. Nevertheless I read the article and now I feel a bit brainwashed.

Here is a bit of what I have found in that article.
A annual carbon footprint of an average household is 8.1 tons which is almost twice of the CO2 emitted by car (19 000 km/year, 9l/100km) per year. Scientists started to measure how much of gases are emitted during a production of food. The calculations are very complex because every joule of energy must be analyzed on a the way from a field to a fork. In case of meat methane and nitrogen have to be also considered. Methane stays in the atmosphere from 9 to 15 years and holds warmth 21 times better than CO2. Even worse is nitrogen oxide released from fertilizers and stable manures. That gases make warmth accumulate in the atmosphere 296 times more than CO2 and remains more less 114 years.

So, what is measured?
For instance when you want to find out how much you influenced the environment having a chicken breast for dinner you need to consider:
1. Production of granulated feed
a. Cost of fertilizers, growing, harvest
b. Processing seeds into small granules
2. Heating huge buildings for quarter million birds
3. Gases produced and energy used by slaughterhouses, processing plants, factories that produce packages
4. Transport from/to slaughterhouses, factories, warehouses, stores, houses,
5. Storage of flesh in freezers
6. Cooking

The chicken is a rather simple example. If the process is longer and more complex it is harder to calculate the production of CO2.
Astrid Scholz created a carbon calculator. The program doesn’t show any specific calculations but we can find out for instance that a hard-boiled egg emits 333 grams of CO2, a bowl of cereals with milk 1224 grams (like an SUV on distance of 6km). But the worst problem is red meat. For each kilogram of chicken 2.3kg of seeds is needed, for kilogram of pork – 5.9kg and for beef even 13kg of seeds and twice more of hay. Not to mention methane and nitrogen.

400g of beef = 6400 g CO2 eq
4 big apples = 110 g CO2 eq
1kg of potatoes = 240 g CO2 eq
1l of milk = 1050 g CO2 eq
1kg of carrots = 45 g CO2 eq
1kg of onion = 80 g CO2 eq
300g of cheese = 2600 g CO2 eq
300g of tomatoes = 2800 g CO2 eq
6 eggs = 1650 g CO2 eq 1
50g of salmon = 300 g CO2 eq
25g of potato crisps = 55 g CO2 eq

CO2 eq - unit is obtained by converting all emitted greenhouse gases during a production a product into such amount of CO2 that would cause the same warming of the atmosphere.

Well… it brings thousands of questions on my mind.
Does it mean we have to stop eating meet and many tasty things and be confined to a selection of products determined by someone? How far can we believe in such articles and scientists? Or maybe it’s really the only way for us to help the environment? What do you think?


  1. First of all, there are doubts that carbon dioxide is really causing global warming. There’s more. There is a number of scientists who say that global warming has nothing to do with activity of men and that it is just cause of sun activity. Nature itself generates gigantic amounts of CO2. I am really confused and not so sure what to think about it. In my opinion there should be a commission of scientists to make an report on what’s happening to earth and what influence there is of human kind on environment.

  2. I have heard an opinion that volcanos polute air much more. Why does nobody mention that? Is there some kind of conspiracy to control us?

  3. I think there is no global warming and changes in climate are normal. There was in history that temperatures decrease drastically(ice age etc.) The earth also changes it's angle of rotation and it has the mayor influence for climate. Maybe we are witnesses of new climate era?

  4. there are so many 'scientific' reports about global warming.. and most of them are totally conflicting in conclusions. how do i know which one is true? i don't.. so i just keep my head clear of such problems.

    but still, not thinking about global warming doesn't mean that it's ok to pollute enviroment in a stupid way. nature is just beautiful.. too beautiful to destroy it.

  5. There is global warming, but in fact even without it the climate on our planet would change. It wouldn't maybe change in the direction it changes, but it would surely change. Still We don't have to destroy the nature just because we don't really know if it has any impact on the climate. Doing something right won't do any harm.

  6. to me, this whole charade, global warming, being green etc is only aimed at getting more money from us, I don't believe we can change the climate in just how many? one hundred years?

  7. have you heard about Monsanto? - wiki article
    try to watch this document

    Monsanto invented Agent Orange, PCB etc..
    They are selling it's products in Poland too..
    For me it's synonym of evil :]
    ... This is problem.. Not what we it, but who and how and what is talking to us. What they do.. etc.. I don't believe in such things like "carbon footprint" article say..

  8. I don’t understand this sentence:
    “A annual carbon footprint of an average household is 8.1 tons which is almost twice of the CO2 emitted by car (19 000 km/year, 9l/100km) per year.”
    You want to say that one car emit 4 tons from 1710 (1900*(9/100)) liters ? Please explain me how? ;)
    I think that you have made mistake…

    And why does the author show the data in different units?
    400g of beef, 4 big apples, 1kg of potatoes, 300g of cheese, 6 eggs, 50g of salmon, 25g of potato crisps. It’s not professional because it shows that author wants to hide something…
    So I have to calculate these units to a common denominator….

    I don’t understand how it is possible that:
    1000g of carrots gives 45 g CO2 eq and
    1000g of tomatoes gives 933 g CO2 eq
    25g of potatoes gives 6 g CO2 eq and
    25g of potato crisps gives 55 g CO2 eq


    Moreover, I don’t believe that CO2 is as dangerous as media say. Recent researches show that during last years a temperature has fallen down because layer of CO2 reflects the light of sun! I don’t say that it is good that we have CO2 in the air, I want to say that nobody knows real consequences of CO2 and please don’t believe that CO2 is the worst enemy of our civilization…

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I also have heard that nature produces much more CO2 then human activity. Taking care about our planet is always something worth doing but things written in article are just silly. I liked the campaign about not wasting electricity more.
    And now im really trying to turn off all rtv equipment that im not using..

  11. I've also read this article in Focus magazine. I'm conscious that global worming could be a problem for us... for the Earth. I noticed that even now we can see a consequences of global worming. Lets say winter, for 2 years i haven't seen as cold and long with so many snow, as for example 10 years ago. But other side i don't believe media that is so dangerous as they say. I thing we should use to it, we don't have choice. And what more, we have to do what our best to respects our nature and our mother Earth
