Wednesday, 13 May 2009

The numbers of the pyramids.

The Great Pyramid of Giza

Everyone has heard about the Great Pyramid of Giza, also called the Khufu’s Pyramid, the Pyramid of Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops. But only some of you may have heard about the mysterious dependencies between the structure of the building and, for instance, the astronomical unit.

First, a handful of facts concerning the Pyramid
It is the largest of three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis – located near Cairo in Egypt. The pyramid is 146m high and each side of its square base is 230m long. The pyramid is made of 2.5 million cubic meters of limestone in 2.3 million blocks. Each block is of a weight from 2.5 to 15 tons. The Great Pyramid is thought to have been erected around 2600 BC as a tomb for the Fourth Dynasty Egyptian king Khufu (Cheops in Greek).

The Great Pyramid of Giza had spoken.
In 1880, a Scottish astronomer – Piazzi Smyth – in his book Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid tells the world that Egyptians must have known the Pi number. Smyth had calculated that the perimeter of the base divided by a doubled height of the Great Pyramid equals 3.14159. Is that a coincidence or a proof of great knowledge of the constructors?
Smyth was convinced that it was not a coincidence. Furthermore, in 1867 in his book Life and Work at the Great Pyramid he states that the astronomical unit (the distance between the Earth and the Sun) is also enclosed in the construction of the pyramid. The height of the building measured by Smyth is 147,65m and the ratio between the width of the base and the height of the construction is 10:9. Now, the height multiplied by 109 is equal to the astronomical unit (with an error not bigger than 1%).

An English colonel – Weis – wanted to study the foundations of the pyramid. He did not find them, however he discovered some casing stones of white, polished limestone and measured the angle of slope – exactly 51°51’. Smyth calculated again and it turned out that at midday at march equinox the Sun’s rays strike at the same angle. As a result, once a year (at Egyptian New Year), at 12 pm, the shadow is not cast on the north slope of the Great Pyramid.
In 1900, M. Cotsword organized an expedition which cleaned the terrain around the north slope of the Great Pyramid. Stone plates of width 1,356m were found. Further calculations led them to the conclusion that it must have been a calendar, because every day the shadow of the pyramid was 1,356m shorter. The calendar measured the year time with a precision of 0.23219 day.
Some Egyptologists came to a conclusion that the pyramidal ell (653,66mm), used at the construction of pyramids, is 10 000 000 times shorter than the radius of the Earth measured to one of the Poles.
The perimeter of the base of the pyramid divided by the length of the pyramidal ell equals 365,23 – very close to the length of a year in days. In fact one year is equal to 365,242 days, but we may assume that the error is caused by inaccurate measurement. A 6mm longer perimeter would give the exact result.

Polish senior lecturer A. Wierciński claims that all pyramids on Earth were built using the same proportions, yet different metric units were used.

In XIX century, John Taylor claimed that the dimensions of the Great Pyramid were based on the English inch (2.54cm) and the volume of the sarcophagus was equal to 4 English quarts.

So, what do you think? Are the above-mentioned facts just coincidences or might there be something to it? If there was a chance would you like to explor pyramids?

If you wish to find out some more secrets on your own you may try. Here is the website with measurements


  1. Yes, I think that ancient constructors had a idea of knowledge about mathematics and astronomy. I can explain PI number myself but I can understand where from they know about the distance between the Earth and the Sun ? Very strange.
    However, I think that in XIX century it was really exciting to explore the pyramids but now everything is explored so I think that is not worth going there and only see and say “wow”.
    If someone want to see I recommend this live cam:

  2. It's quite mysterious that the Ancient had such knowledge. Beside the pyramid archaeologists fond many strange hieroglyphs for ex. helicopters, tanks and light bulb. Maybe it was a fake maybe not who knows. For sure science of today could learn lots of interesting things from Ancient or maybe ancient Egyptians were Aliens? What do You think?

  3. (s3572)

    And have you heard about a great researcher who found out that ancient village in south America has been settled on a area of a perfect circle? As the researcher thought it's circumference divided by the diameter of the village gives the PI number with a great accuracy. According to him it proves that the ancients know PI in that region - not only in Egypt...

  4. I like all those mysteries related to the past. Ancient civilizations, "magical" calendars, "alien" structures... and all this pointing to the end of the world. There were many world ends so far according to many theories.

    It is strange that without todays knowladge ancient civilizations could have built such great structures as this mentioned above pyramid...

  5. I think that the Ancient had known more than we can think about. We don't understand many things we have found and we can learn a lot. It's mysterious for me too, that the Ancient, with such knowledge didn't discover so many things as we now...
    And I think that it could be very intereseting to go and see pyramids - you don't have to look like other people, you can find something for yourself, for example some interesting and mysterious hieroglyphs, you can see how smart they were, what they knew... You only need to read something before you go and you find it absorbing.

  6. When I was a child, I interesting a lot about Giza Pyramid. I read a lot, I watch a lot, and I promise that someday I have to watch on my eyes. I was a little bit disappoint when i saw it. Why? On the photos, piramid of Giza is more mystery than live. On photos: big monument surrounding only by desert. In real: not such big monument surrounded by shops and flats. It's my personal opinion but for someone who imagine the piramids as mystery point of Egipt can by a little disappointed.

    But stories about ancient times still are number one of my "mystery list".

  7. There is many different explanations. Coincidence is also possible. Not only that numbers are mysterious but also technique of building pyramids. Egyptians had to use advanced methods to build such constructions.

    One of SF explanation could be that in future time-trips will be available and some people will go back in time to check how Egyptians was able to know all that stuff. Unintentionally he will give them all that knowledge.. :) And the loop will start all over again in their dimension..

  8. wow, now that's a very exciting topic. so many possible explanations, theories..

    i just can't stand all the people making stories about aliens etc.

  9. Yes, the aliens have constructed the pyramids, would You believe that? I think that the PI number is known to people from the times when heaven and hell where created. Maybe they didn't had another idea to use other measures, maybe it's coincidence or maybe they did it for fun. Nobody knows, and nobody will probably know. Maybe if we develop time travel then it will be possible to gain that knowledge. Till that time we won't be probably having any pyramids :-)
    PI and PItagoras, that is strange :-)

  10. Yope, aliens.. :D Aliens have no other materialas then stone and just want to have something funny for aliens tourists:D hehe:D

  11. achievements of acient egiptians are astonishing. Really it's incredible what humanity was able to achieve with such primitive technology. This shows how medieval ages (dark ages) stopped our developement for 1000 years... Really can you imagine what would world look like today if there were no dark ages?

  12. Non-stop aliens and aliens... do you think aliens have noting other to do then comming to earth and creating strange constructions? ;] Do you think they don't have families!? Children!? What kind of people are YOU!? ;)

    Seriously... it's interesting topic and I consider going to Egypt and Greece when I will have enough time and money :)
